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Monday, June 19, 2006

Yard Sale...or Just a mess?

Kim passes this house every day. The people have lived here for about a month and still all of this stuff is in the driveway. Kim's husband thinks they should set up Yard Sale signs...what do you think?


  • At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It appears they have children of varying ages and they have the usual toys. Looks like they have a wonderful driveway to play on. Maybe they play with the toys during the day when Kim/husband are not passing. I don't think it is a mess, just toys. Everything seems to be parked and in order. Why the big deal?

  • At 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I don't really think it looks that bad, but those yellow trash cans need to go. And the house looks like it would be beautiful, so I can see why Kim would be a little repulsed by the "mess." But yard sale signs? Not so much....

  • At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Well, it looks like most of the stuff is outside play toys... that means they belong outside. They seem to be more kid friendly instead of worrying about "the perfect yard." Kim, it's not a big deal.

  • At 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    They moved in a month ago and this little bit on the driveway is a problem? It looks lived in with children. Maybe both parents work and they are having to put their house together after work and on the weekends.

  • At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    maybe they just mowed the yard, and you didn't notice...

  • At 9:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If the house is new, then chances are they are still working on the basement. My guess is that the owners are leaving these items, that won't be damaged by a little rain, outside until they have the work inside finished.

    You guys are all great! I love your show. This is just a case of judging a book by it's cover, but you don't know the full story until you see what's on the inside. Nikki

  • At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As a person who just recently moved, I think maybe they are focusing on organizing the inside instead of the outside. If it's not cleaned up within the next few weeks, I would start to get a little worried.

  • At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    maybe they are hoping that someone will steal the toys in order to teach their children a lesson about picking up their toys & putting them away.

  • At 10:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Maybe they are leaving toys outside in hopes that someone will steal them in order to teach their children a lesson about picking up their toys..

  • At 10:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    This isn't anything like some places around town.....may be a nuisance to drive around the cars parked in the street, but still a better view than that of my neighbors place! i can't wait to plant something to block the view!

  • At 11:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Do they not have enough room in their garage for all that stuff? That's what a garage is for isn't it?

  • At 9:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Obviously this is a family with more than one child. I see nothing wrong with the picture. The house looks like a HOME! How boring for the children if they were to live in a place where the adults were completely anal about everything looking "perfect." Too many people worry about outward appearances; including you, Kim. My husband and I, along with our 4 children, built our over-priced home in our neighborhood about 10 years ago where at least 65% of the neighborhood consists of the elderly. The remainder of the neighborhood consists of families with only 1-2 children. A couple years ago my husband fell ill. Due to this, he was on medical leave for 3 months. During this time his job, along with 6 other employee's jobs, relocated to Chattanooga. During the time he was on medical leave I was working as a janitor for a privately owned company, a janitor for our church, and a substitute teacher. Needless to say, our yard didn't get "tended to" like the neighbors would have preferred. Well, my husband went back to a job he'd held prior to the one that was relocated, but due to the unexpected medical leave, I still had to work 3 jobs. At one point we had 5 jobs going on between the two of us. All this was being done without the aid of babysitters, daycare, or help from family. We strongly believe in raising OUR children. Did we care that toys were in the yard? Did we care the yard went 3 weeks without being mowed at one point? After that, did we care the yard got mowed on average every 7-10 days? Did we care about anything other than the happiness and well-being of our children during this difficult time? A resounding "HELL NO!" to all the above questions. Now, did our neighbors care about the above questions? HELL YES they did! Rather than come to us and ask why we hadn't mowed or ask why toys were in the yard, they went behind our backs and tried to get us thrown out of the neighborhood.(Mind you, we paid an arm and a leg for our home and property as well as property taxes!!) My "neighbor" across the street came over to tell me my family and I were an embarrassment, she didn't want to see everything in the yard, she told me of the back-biting and that she didn't want her child over to play with my children until our yard was "pristine like hers." I then proceeded to tell her that if she, as well as the other neighbors had had the decency to ask questions first and be asses later they would've known what was going on and that we were doing the best we could. I also told her that our children and the inside of our home were more important than the outside. (My yard was no worse than the picture you posted - except for the 3 wks. of no mowing.) This same "neighbor" sees nothing wrong with physically and verbally abusing her child in public places. However, no one says anything to her I guess because she has a picture perfect yard that's mowed 2x a week. Oh, and "it's no one's place to interfere." Her child isn't even allowed to keep toys in the yard or even dig a little hole like most little boys do. Her child has told me and my children on several occasions that he hates living with his mom and step-dad and that they don't do things with him like we do with our children. In addition to this, she's never had a kind word for my children or others in the neighborhood, but her child has told my two older sons he can't believe how nice I am to him. This same child is one of the top 4 bullies at school and has huge social/behavioral problems with his peers and teachers. On top of all this, my home/yard is THE home/yard of the neighborhood. If you were to drive into the neighborhood you'd see at least 5 children in my yard that aren't mine. Now that you know a little history about me and my "neighbor," who would you prefer to live next to? Someone who comes over uninvited to tell you how to raise your 4 kids (because she's such an expert with the one)? Someone who tells you how to care for your yard/home (because being a home owner through the charity of others [Habitat for Humanity] has made her an expert)? Someone who claims to have set the standard of "perfection" in the neighborhood? Or would you rather live next to someone who is always respectful and says "hello" when you're out, and has taught their children to do the same? Someone that would help you put your gutter back on to your house? Someone who would welcome your child at anytime, give them drinks, snacks and often times lunch who also happens to have some toys in the yard and only mows once a week? Appearances are often deceiving, but love and kindness are always evident!! Before you judge those people with the "stuff" all around, maybe you should take into consideration that maybe something bad has happened and the act of properly placing bikes, etc. just isn't important to them at this time. Maybe they're not concerned with outer appearances at all in the literal sense. Maybe, just maybe, they could be the nicest, best friends you NEVER met! Get past the shallowness and try to see what this family is REALLY about.

    Thanks! (I love listening to you guys!!) :)
    Mom of 4 in Dandridge, TN

  • At 7:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey guys id love to get a hold of that little red wagon hey kim hook a man up who is in need of a new toy!!!

    thanks ben
    roane county

  • At 7:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Not sure about you, but the one "long" comment that was posted was exhausting to read! This has to do with the toys in the driveway and if it looks like crap or not! Sorry that lady had so much going on in her life, but geeze!!! I don't have children and live in a neighborhood where "everyone" has kids; and several of them at that. Not one house in my neighborhood looks like that. I live and Halls and have very nice neighbors, but leaving all the toys out like the people that live in that home, is just asking for someone to steal them!

  • At 9:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Let's clarify one item: Kim does NOT drive past this house each day as she lives on another street in the same subdivision. I just wish the homeowners would put up blinds or curtains now that it has been over two months since they moved in.

  • At 10:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've lived in my house for 10 years and it looks almost like that. What on earth would you say about me if you drove past MY house? Heaven forbid you actually go INTO the house and pass judgement there too!

  • At 9:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wow!!! lady do you need to talk to someone about your anger?

  • At 1:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think that anything that is left in the yard or driveway looks trashy and when people make gardens in there front yards with way to many items in them!

  • At 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I just think it's hilarious that people have nothing better to do than worry about other peoples business.

  • At 9:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dont you think you would have looked trashy to putting a car under your deck? Wow!!! I hope you neighbors hear your rude comments and then sue you for putting a picture of there home on the internet and the fact that all their stuff is sitting out side, as if to broadcast that there stuff is sitting waiting to be stolen!! Get a life!! You too Mark your rude and way to judgemental too!!!

  • At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    a very wise man once said something to the affect, "let ye that be without sin cast the first stone..."

    I think we could all learn something from him.

    Just live your life people, and stop judging others.

  • At 8:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Daaaaannnnggg! Marc... Kim... you guys should charge hourly for the therapy you provide to some of these people. Actually, just send them my way in a few years. ;-)


  • At 10:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think you should mind your own dam buisness

  • At 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Let the kids be kids. At least the children are active and obviously enjoy being outside instead of being couch potatoes in front of the TV. I wouldn't be concerned until there's a car on blocks in the driveway. Enjoy your home and be happy that your neighborhood is one they've chosen to raise their children in.


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